Digital Signature Solutions


Electronic Signature is a digital representation of an individual’s agreement, which is intended to be the equivalent of a “wet” signature

Digital signatures, like handwritten signatures, are unique to each signer. When a signer electronically signs a document, the signature is created using the signer’s private key, which is always securely kept by the signer.


Choose the right and trusted Digital Signature Solutions with the following criterias:

  • Security
  • Compliance
  • Workflow
  • Integration
  • Local Legislation

Paperwork Is Costing Businesses


per employee per year in productivity loss

9.4 billion

hours spent on paperwork that could be automated

$1.5 billion

due to clerical and manual error


Malaysia has legally recognized electronic signatures on contracts since 1997, starting with the The Digital Signature Act [Act 562] and later with the Electronic Commerce Act 2006.

The Electronic Commerce Act defines that any information shall not be denied legal effect, validity or enforceability on the ground that it is wholly or partly in an electronic form.

sign using desktop or any mobile device

How does it work?

Prepare & Send

  • Drag & Drop Features
  • Multi-Types of Signer Fields


  • Notifications via Email 
  • Sign on any devices, PC or Mobile


  • Dashboard 
  • Progress Tracking, Reminders, Documents Viewing
  • Administration of users

secured digital signature solutions

Signature Request


2-Factor Authentication

Audit Trail

Admin Management



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Explore our solutions to get your document signed anytime and anywhere.